

Pixel Dot Consulting Logo

Technology Consulting for Production Printing

Elevating Print through Tech
Ryan McAbee

“Semi-to-fully autonomous print production, powered by tech advancements, will separate the leaders from the laggards over this decade.”

– Ryan McAbee

What We Do

We help businesses translate technology applications and benefits to customer use and fit. The result is an elevated understanding of how technology can improve customer experience, increase operational results, and drive demand throughout the production printing value chain.

Trade Consultant

Supporting other consultants with their projects that require research, data, writing, and presentations. Just like a trade printer but for consultants.

The Print University

On-demand orientation to the Graphic Arts industries for vendors and PSPs to onboard new employees and sharpen the skill sets of existing employees on
production printing.

Strategy Workshops & Assessments

Virtual or in-person sessions for OEMs and PSPs to map your current tech reality to the demands of tomorrow’s customer.

Technology & Educational Platforms

The Print University Logo

On-demand video education for the fundementals of the production printing industries.

Assessment in a Box logo

Self-assessment toolkit for PSPs. Sales enablement tool for OEMs

The Content Funnel logo

Content-driven event lead generator for OEMs.

Additional Services

  • Sales enablement content that explains your unique market value to prospects and customers.
  • Competitive market analysis and go-to-market strategy devopment for vendors.
  • Workflow assessments for print service providers.
  • Industry speaker for topics on technology, business process improvement, workflow automation, and more.

What We believe

We believe disruptive technological innovation is needed for print to thrive! Our services are guided by the premise that print will reach semi-to-fully autonomous production within this decade driven by five core technologies:

              1. Cloud computing
              2. Computer vision and sensors
              3. Robotics
              4. Big data
              5. Artificial intelligence.

The Golden Age of Production Printing

Get In Touch

+1 973 747 6826